Sunday, March 1, 2009
I'm back... again
So I'm now back in Singapore.. looking like this...
And having to keep on doing this...

That's just greeeaaaattttt. Lucky it's not at the spot where my mouthpiece should be at. So.. it's still ok.
Had a great few days of "holiday" and not thinking so much about work which explains why I haven't really even started on my 1500 word essay coz I tried reading the text book during the break and fell asleep wtf and nothing went into my brain.
So after I finish blogging and taking my shower, I've to start on the reading... again. Hopefully not falling asleep to it.. again. Sigh.
Ok now I don't know what to blog about. And I know I haven't been blogging for dayssss. I think I've lost the touch for it. Or just... am not in the mood for it.
OH!!! I met up with Skyler yesterday night for dim sum! And it was really good except for the fact that we were both really full from our own dinners and the only thing that she commented was.. "still eating slow huh??"
Hmph!! It was still very nice catching up with you, Skyler. After so long never see you edi. :)
Ok lah, I think I'm just gonna leave this at that and go take my long awaited hot shower. And then study then sleep.
Sigh.. life as a student wtf.
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oo i haven't seen skyler for a while too did u say hi to her for me!?
"and the only thing that she commented was.. "still eating slow huh??"
oh skyler foong <3
Had a great few days of "holiday" and not thinking so much about work which explains why I haven't really even started on my 1500 word essay coz I tried reading the text book during the break and fell asleep wtf and nothing went into my brain.
longest sentence ever award
"sounds like a scene from gilmore girls"
skyler: yah.. actually i think i brought out my cam that day lor. nehmind. next time.. haha. dunno when that'll be.
ky: eh u stay in kl. she stay in kl. i in sg. and u never tell me u miss her.
pinkpau: i miss u lahhhh lsa
howard: i've never watched gilmore girls before.. haha
yopu never wathced gilmore girls before?? watch it its good! :D and howard said that because gilmore girls are famous for their long sentences said really really quickly!
how do u normally go back to kl?
i want to go back to kl too T______T
I know exactly the feeling of biting your own lip...
There was once I was laughing and eating and *chomp*
Something's wrong with the placement of the tongue and teeth...
i commented on more than that ok!
ky: ya ky not like you cannot say hi to me yourself =(
Remember to drink more water ;)
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