Wednesday, February 6, 2008
A post without a title
Pheww... I just got back from my family reunion dinner. Went all the way to granny's home, almost everyone was there. Even so.. there were already a lotttt of us. And sorry there won't be any pictures, but that kinda makes sense doesn't it? Coz if I had one, I wouldn't be stealing... ok, scratch that. Borrowing Stewie's cam to entertain myself would I? (where he wrote a whole post about me girl-fying his oh.. so manly camera)The night was quite fun, although I've no idea why I kept yawning away(maybe lack of oxygen!! coz there were a lot of people there)(but can't be.. coz we were in the garden). Anywaysss.. the night was fun or dare I say entertaining coz there were the lil boys(my cousin and uhh.. 2 of my cousin's children, don't exactly know what you call them) playing around. And everybody was watching them.
What was funny was when my uncle took out this lion head thingy they bought for my cousin(which he bugged about it the whole day until they couldn't take it so they bought it for him), and the 3 musketeers were taking turns playing with it.

Guess what? He ripped off the lion's chiu chiu. Everyone started laughing and the owner of the lion(my cousin) came down and shook the guilty one shouting "DON'T BREAK MY LION AGAIN!!" And continued shaking him, when his dad asked him to stop, he went on shaking everybody else haha. And the poor boy felt sooo guilty he sat alone and kept to himself the whole night before the owner called him and ask to play wtf.
I don't know, I guess it's boring when you're not there to witness it. But oh well.
Oh.. and I'm feeling much much better today. And... the most awesome thing is.. I can practice my trumpet without feeling any pain! Finallyyyy. Yay!! *jumps with joy wtf*
And here I shall insert a random picture of a cute dog wtf.

Update: It just occurred to me that if you aren't from Penang then you wouldn't know what chiu chiu is. Ok.. so.. chiu chiu = beard. wtf.
Hahaha small kids are so funny (I assume they are small :| )
skyler: yes they are.
Happy CNY! Gong Hei Gong Hei!
This year must Fatt Tai Choy!
Have a nice celebration!
kaiwah: happy chinese new year to u too!!
you do realize that if you're not from penang yu won't have a clue what the hell a chiu chiu is right?
stewie: oh... uhh.. that didn't occur to me.. i go change wtf.
OMG you have a blog!? How come I duno waaannnnn??? I had to go read about you girly-fying Tim's comp to know. -_-
pamsong: haha.. yeah, when i met you i didn't have one. ok well technically it was always here but i never made use of it haha.
Haha. Funny. What took you so long to get it active lah?
pam: i don't know. just never thought i could blog hahaha
Hey cool you play the trumpet. Are we expecting the next Miles Davis (female version at least)? :D hehe
I know chiu chius haha i was laughing when I read that.
tyler: yeah i do. but i play mostly classical music. like in a orchestra and stuff. not really a jazz fan. tho i love listening to it.
Ahhhaa!!! Finally i found it.. liar... u said u enver update hahha :P and the doggie is qqqwwwwuuuuuttttt
that is a pembroke welsh corgi!!!!!!!! my dream dog when i was 12 years old =(
and happy cny to u too wtf :P
aronil: hahaha.. but it was true. when i met u, i still haven't been updating wtf
pinkpau: really? oh ok. from now on this is my dream dog wtf.
corgiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. hi wenqi. *big smile*
ps: i love dogs too much. wtf. :P
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