Thursday, April 9, 2009
La di da
So this is going to be more of a picture post as all of you can see. This was taken like.. sooooo long ago. Ok lah.. maybe not that long. But long enough.It was when I was back in KL for that one week for MPYO camp and had a free night. And limsuann was in town!!!! So.. me and Skyler(the girl below with no face) met up with her!! :)

I think that's Skyler trying to squeeze Su Ann's head but was unsuccessful. I remember I had another better picture of that but Su Ann deleted it from my cam. Hmph!

And we didn't want the waiters there to take picture for us.. coz.. we did try and they were all blur. So we decided to use the timer function!!!
Picture #1
Fail. Coz apparently all my settings on my camera was kinda.. wrong. So limsuann the pro went to change it for me to make the pictures nicer.

Picture #2
I think I was calling out to limsuann, asking her to quickly come coz the time was up.

Still calling her wtf.

Wah.... hair advertisement wtfwtf. And I just noticed that there's a girl at the back... in the first photo her face was like.. huh... then second and third.. she looked like she was either laughing with or at us. Probably at wtfwtf.

These are also the ones in 3. Skyler ah... why's your expression the same one... in all these 3 pictures!!

Limsuann why you so cute!

Dunno what to say... oh. The table is a bit messy.

Ok, last but not least, we must take the limsuann pose!!! Wait... actually I'm not even sure whether this is the lsa pose or not. But I know that it was lsa who asked us to pose like that wtf.

i love u wwq!!!
wwq is that mr. yummy's silhouette!?
ooo i think it is
suann so pretty.....
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