Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Oooooooh!!!!By this time tomorrow I shall be on a flight off to some place else!!!!
My initial plan was to be like, once I reach there I shall blog about it. But I fear that it MIGHT be like last time where I couldn't find any internet connection and Bambi had to blog for me wtf. Soooo... I shall be away! And we'll see if the place I stay at has internet connection. Hopefully.
Now.. I'm going to call a cab to bring us to the airport tomorrow! Hope the cabbie shows, or else we're screwwwwweedddd :(
I foresee I shall be having a splendid time in Dudiduda. Yay!
But you're going with BAMBI, no? :D
eat something cute for meeeeeeee. dont be naughty ah wtf.
no, KY, because apparently I'M bambi, remember!!!
exactly where the f*** are u going to -_-" afghanistan?? iraq?? otherwise, no need to worry about no internet access guar... most hotels have internet access, at a price.. what price, donno la :D
Going to singapore, i guess...
I guess Bangkok right right????
haha, sheanne, after reading *the other blog* i think so too
"the other blog" hahaha you all damn funny
since *the other blog* has updates, i suppose we're gonna see here updating soon hehehe
anonymous *high five* lolx.. woot I am waiting here to update tho hahaha.. Oh Bangkok oh Bangkok..hahah..
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